Sunday, June 23, 2013


In life; there are choices. Choose to be happy.

I saw this quote today.  It's where I am right now.  After a really rough 18 months life is looking so much better.  I can honestly say I am happy again.  I have so many things to be thankful for.  Three sweet grandchildren who are living right here in Ky.  I love spending time with them, watching them learn, seeing them grow.  The other two grandchildren are in Missouri and I just got back from spending 5 days there.  Here's a picture of the two boys and me.  I am a lucky person to have all these little people in my life.  Life is good.


1 comment:

  1. Choosing to be happy can take some work depending on life's circumstances. Sometimes when hurdle after hurdle is thrown onto the path, giving up can feel easier.
    Even though we only know each other via the internet, I know you well enough to know you don't give up.
    There will always be those damn hurdles. If you can't jump over them anymore (my jumping days are over as well), you'll always find a way around them. Cuz you're just that kinda gal!
