Wednesday, April 4, 2012


Well, the bead show was pretty much a bust, which was kind of sad.  There are 8 of us who have been doing this show for 6-8 years now and over time we've seen our sales go down.  We all do different things and it used to be a great show for us, but the popularity of making lampwork beads increased.  Now we have imported beads, mostly from China, not annealed, and cheap.  To the uneducated public those beads seem like a great deal and the true beadmaker's beads languish at the side.  Some of the beads I make take 1 1/2 hours to complete before they go into the kiln.  Beads like this one.  It has flowers on both sides.  It's a long slow process, one I love doing, but not for $25.00.  So, now I ponder where I go from here.  I do have my beads in a gallery and they do well there, but the owner has some illness in her family and is closing at least part time.  For now I will just think about it.

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